How To Customize Your Bash Shell To Look Cool

Rownok Bosunia
3 min readJul 29, 2022


Do you find bash shell “Boring” in terms of looks?

Do you feel intimidated to customize your bash shell?

Here’s some pro tips on how to customize your bash shell to look cool.

Install Oh-my-bash:

OMB will allow you to install themes and plugins on your bash shell.

To install oh-my-bash, run one of the commands below.

Via curl:

bash -c “$(curl -fsSL"

Via wget:

bash -c “$(wget -O -)”

After installing oh-my-bash you’ll see the look has already changed.

You can change themes now very easily by editing your .bashrc file.

To change the theme go to your home directory and open .bashrc file your preferred text editor.

Choose your theme from here:

Copy the name of your preferred theme and paste it here in your .bashrc file and save it.

OSH_THEME=”put your theme name here”

And run:

Source ~/.bashrc

Install sauce code pro font:

Download sauce code pro nerd font from here:

And install sauce code pro nerd font medium complete mono .

Open up your bash shell and go to preferences and add sauce code pro to custom font

Install will give you features like syntax highlighting, auto-completion etc.

To install run:

git clone — recursive -C install PREFIX=~/.localecho ‘source ~/.local/share/blesh/’ >> ~/.bashrc

Restart your terminal.

Install exa, a modern replacement for “ls”.

To install exa run,

Arch Linux:

pacman -S exa

Debian/ Ubuntu:

apt install exa


dnf install exa


emerge sys-apps/exa


brew install exa


port install exa


zypper install exa

Lastly add these two lines in your .bashrc file

alias ll=”exa -l -g — icons”alias lla=”exa -la -g — icons”

And run:

Source ~/.bashrc

Now you have an awesome looking bash shell with cool features.



Rownok Bosunia
Rownok Bosunia

Written by Rownok Bosunia

As a self-taught software developer, I've been on a journey to learn, grow and innovate in this ever-evolving field. Sharing my insights and experiences.

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